All actions taken in smartwizard 4
I have included smartwizard on forms in my application and it works great during insert. However, during the update, I want to show all the steps taken so that instead of clicking on the next button, the user can directly go to the s / tab they want. How can I achieve this? I understand that I might have to make changes to the _setEvents function in the main js file, i.e. jquery.smartWizard.min.js, but I cannot figure out if this is possible.
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3 answers
Found the answer at anchorSettings. You add anchorSettings parameter and change the values like this:
anchorClickable : true, // Enable/Disable anchor navigation
enableAllAnchors : true, // Activates all anchors clickable all times
markDoneStep : true, // add done css
enableAnchorOnDoneStep : true // Enable/Disable the done steps navigation
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selected: 0,
theme: 'default',
transitionEffect: 'fade',
showStepURLhash: false,
anchorSettings: {
anchorClickable: true, // Enable/Disable anchor navigation
enableAllAnchors: true, // Activates all anchors clickable all times
markDoneStep: true, // add done css
enableAnchorOnDoneStep: true // Enable/Disable the done steps navigation
lang: { next: 'Next', previous: 'Previous' }
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