R when replacing a character with a string

I am reading a file with a structure like this:



And I want to have a data frame like this:

Column A  Column B  Column C  Column D
1111111    aaaa       bbbb      cccc
2222222    dddd       ffff      gggg


So, I need to split; and replace all []

So here's my code:

Read file



Replace []

df_V1 <- gsub(pattern="[",replacement="",df$V1)  #ERROR HERE!
df_V1 <- gsub(pattern="]",replacement=";",df$V1) #Replace the ] to ;


Then put it all together

df_V1 <- do.call(rbind.data.frame,strsplit(df_V1,split=";"))
Data<- cbind(


And here is my conclusion


 Column A  Column B  Column C  Column D
 [1111111    aaaa       bbbb      cccc
 [2222222    dddd       ffff      gggg


And don't know why the first [can't be replaced, I've already tried using gsub and removing the first character of the string, but doesn't seem to solve anything. Any idea?

thank you for your time


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2 answers

First we can read the data with readLines

, do we change the line with gsub

, and then read withread.csv

read.csv(text=sub(";", "", gsub("[][]", ";", lines)), 
   sep=";", header=FALSE, col.names = paste0("Column", LETTERS[1:4]), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#  ColumnA ColumnB ColumnC ColumnD
#1 1111111    aaaa    bbbb    cccc
#2 2222222    dddd    ffff    gggg



lines <- readLines("file1.txt")




If the columns are indeed fixed in length, then read_fwf in the readr library is useful.

", fwf_cols("Column A"=c(2,8), "Column B"=c(10,13), "Column C"=c(15,18), "column D"=c(20,23)))

#    `Column A` `Column B` `column C` `Column D`
#        <int>      <chr>      <chr>      <chr>
# 1    1111111       aaaa       bbbb       cccc
# 2    2222222       dddd       ffff       gggg




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