Is there a way to promise node functions and get intellisense using Typescript?

I am using definitions @types

and added @types/bluebird

as expected, I get autocomplete when using methods from the library. However, I would like to promise node (fs) functions. I can do it with the following line:

import * as Promise from 'bluebird'
import * as fs from 'fs'

const fsPromisified = Promise.promisifyAll(fs)


The problem is that when I execute fsPromisified, I lose the autocomplete.

Can I do this without having to wrap node functions with promises?


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1 answer

You can use pre-promisified mz/fs

instead fs

, which wraps the whole promise of all async functions fs

(with their original names, not prefixed Async

). This package has TypeScript typings ( @types/mz


import * as fs from 'mz/fs';

// e.g., read file
  .then((contents) => {
    // ...




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