Mysql join condition - restrict join to one row in group based on custom order

Sorry for the bad title, but it's hard to explain in one line.

I have a widget datasheet: each record has an id, created timestamp, device_id (foreign key) and status ("prelim" or "official"). I'm trying to get one, the newest, "most official" entry for each device - this means I want the newest official entry, but if it's not there, it will be the newest. Example

ID | created | device_id | status   | data
1  | 100     | A         | prelim   | ##
2  | 105     | A         | prelim   | ##
3  | 107     | B         | official | ##
4  | 109     | B         | prelim   | ##


I need to get line 2 because there is no official entry and this is the newest entry for device A and line 3 because this is the newest official entry for device B (any pre-entry after the official one should be ignored).

I am currently using this query:

Select widget.* from widget
INNER JOIN (select id, device_id, status, max(created) as created from widget
        group by device_id, status) max_widget
    on widget.created = max_widget.created and widget.device_id = max_widget.device_id


This query gives me the newest rows, grouped by device and status, so in the case of device B, it returns 2 rows - not what I want.

How did I restrict the join to only return the official string if it exists. I feel like I should be able to solve this with where in the inner query, or coalesce () in the join clause, but I can't completely wrap my brain around myself.



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2 answers

A correlated subquery can be used for this:

select *
from widget w
where id = (
        select id
        from widget x
        where w.device_id = x.device_id
        order by field(status, 'official', 'prelim'), created desc
        limit 1


order by field(status, 'official', 'prelim')

stores the "official" records created desc

first , and stores the latest ones first. limit 1

selects one row that we can use in the where clause.



create table widget (
    id smallint, 
    created smallint, 
    device_id char(1), 
    status varchar(20),
    data varchar(20));

insert into widget (id, created, device_id, status, data) values (1,100,'A','prelim','abcd1234');
insert into widget (id, created, device_id, status, data) values (2,105,'A','prelim','efgh5678');
insert into widget (id, created, device_id, status, data) values (3,107,'B','official','ijkl9012');
insert into widget (id, created, device_id, status, data) values (4,109,'B','prelim','mnop3456');

select max(a.created), 
          when is null 
          then a.status 
          else b.status 
       end as status
from widget a
left join widget b 
   on a.device_id = b.device_id 
   and b.status = 'official'
where (
         (a.status = 'prelim' 
          and b.status is null) 
         (b.status = 'official' 
          and a.status <> 'prelim')
group by a.device_id, 
          when is null 
          then a.status 
          else b.status 



| max(a.created) | device_id | status   |
|            105 | A         | prelim   |
|            107 | B         | official |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)




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