Average value of flux tensor

How do I calculate the median value of a list in tensorflow? how

node = tf.median(X)


X is a placeholder
In numpy, I can directly use np.median to get the median value. How can I use numpy operation on tensorflow?


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4 answers

edit: This answer is outdated, use Lucas Venezian Povoa's solution instead. It's easier and faster.

You can calculate the median in tensorflow using:

def get_median(v):
    v = tf.reshape(v, [-1])
    mid = v.get_shape()[0]//2 + 1
    return tf.nn.top_k(v, mid).values[-1]


If X is already a vector, you can skip reshaping.

If you are worried that the median is the average of the two middle elements for vectors of even size, you should use this instead:

def get_real_median(v):
    v = tf.reshape(v, [-1])
    l = v.get_shape()[0]
    mid = l//2 + 1
    val = tf.nn.top_k(v, mid).values
    if l % 2 == 1:
        return val[-1]
        return 0.5 * (val[-1] + val[-2])




To calculate the median of an array using, tensorflow

you can use a function quantile

, since 50% quantile is median


import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np 

x = np.random.normal(3.0, .1, 100)

median = tf.contrib.distributions.percentile(x, 50.0)



This code does not have the same behavior np.median

, because the parameter interpolation

approximates the result with a value lower

, higher

or nearest


If you want to use the same behavior, you can use:

median = tf.contrib.distributions.percentile(x, 50.0, interpolation='lower')
median += tf.contrib.distributions.percentile(x, 50.0, interpolation='higher')
median /= 2.


Also, the code above is equivalent np.percentile(x, 50, interpolation='midpoint')




We can modify BlueSun's solution to be much faster on GPUs:

def get_median(v):
    v = tf.reshape(v, [-1])
    m = v.get_shape()[0]//2
    return tf.reduce_min(tf.nn.top_k(v, m, sorted=False).values)


It is as fast as (in my experience) using tf.contrib.distributions.percentile(v, 50.0)

, and returns one of the real items.



There is currently no median function in TF. The only way to use the numpy operation in TF is after the graph has started:

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

a = tf.random_uniform(shape=(5, 5))

with tf.Session() as sess:
    np_matrix = sess.run(a)
    print np.median(np_matrix)




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