Rails 5.1 Angular templateUrl


What do I need to do to get my Angular app to allow me to use the templateUrl

decorator property Component

? When you create a new Rails 5.1 app and use a flag --webpack=angular

, it gives you a proof of concept for Angular, but as soon as I started building more components, I began to realize that I didn't know how to go about the correct templating path. I'm not even sure if they are being listened to, to be honest.

What i tried

  • Tried many different paths, from the whole filename, all the way to the root of the application, one folder at a time.
  • Googling for someone else facing the same problem.
  • include CommonModule

    in my import in app.module.ts



I am really used to using the Angular CLI and I don't remember ever having a problem using a property templateUrl

. What makes an Angular CLI project different from what you are given in a Rails 5.1 application in terms of configuration that affects templates? Will I be able to use Angular CLI in a Rails 5.1 application without having to modify much of the Rails application itself?


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1 answer

You can do it. But this requires a different webpack loader setup and a few small tweaks.

But first: shopping!

$ yarn add \
    html-loader \
    awesome-typescript-loader \
    angular2-template-loader \
    @types/node \


When installing all required packages, replace config/webpack/loaders/angular.js

as follows:

const {env} = require('../configuration.js');
isProd = env.NODE_ENV === 'production';
module.exports = {
    test: /\.ts$/,
    use: [
            loader: 'awesome-typescript-loader',
            options: { useCache: !isProd }



scans your component decorators for the argument templateUrl

and replaces it with something like template: require('...')'

. The call require()

is , of course, the reason for the installation @types/node

. awesome-typescript-loader

slightly more optimized than the default ts-loader

(which will probably work here too, but I haven't tested it).

So far so good. Then we need to tell webpack how to load the HTML files. Add config/webpack/loaders/html.js

with the following content:

module.exports = {
    test: /\.html$/,
    loader: 'html-loader',


Nothing is clear here. Moving on.

In your Javascript application, add type information for * .html files to app/javascript/hello_angular/html.d.ts


declare module "*.html" {
  const content: string
  export default content


This tells the TypeScript compiler what is require('template.html')

returning a string.

Last but not least, you added .html to the recognized extensions in config/webpacker.yml


default: &default
  # ...
    # ...
    - .html
    # ...


You should be fine now:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'hello-angular',
  templateUrl: './template.html'
export class AppComponent {
  name = 'Angular!';


Remember to restart bin/webpack-dev-server


In theory, you can do the same for styleUrls

. But this is more confusing with rails / webpacker and you will lose some of its functionality.



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