How to analyze which dependencies caused huge installed application size (not APK size)

My generated APK is about 6MB.

I am using ProGuard.

However, when installed in a phone device, it takes about 60 MB.

enter image description here

I would like to know which dependencies are causing the huge installed space (60MB)

I am looking at How to check the size of dependencies in Android app and <a2>

I am using "Build -> Analyze APK".

enter image description here

But, it might tell me where the 6MB (APK size) came from. But, it doesn't let me know why it takes up to 60MB on the user's phone.

Google used most of the methods.

enter image description here

But, I do not think that Java code with ~ 40,000 methods and ~ 50,000 methods can consume up to 60 MB of space.

I checked the folders assets

and res

. Their size is 2 MB and 3 MB, respectively. Hence, I have no idea what the main contributor to the 60MB installed app size is.

Is there a good way to test and reduce the size of an installed application?


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