Eloquent ORM search

I am building a small search engine to fetch multiple journeys around the world, this is what my Journeys table looks like:

Trip table

As you can see, the points of origin and departure are in chains, this is a complete journey, and all of these addressees refer to the same ad number. 2. What I want to do now is to create a form where you insert the departure and arrival points and the search engine will return a message_id that contains these addressees. You can easily search side-by-side like Paris to London or Vienne to Toronto, but how do you cross-search for trips like Paris to Vienne or Paris to Toronto? (Crossing destinations).

I am using Eloquent ORM and this is what I have so far:

public function search(Request $request) {

    if ($request->isMethod('post')) {

        $departure = $request->get('departure');
        $arrival = $request->get('arrival');

        $announceIds = DB::table('journeys')
            ->where('departure_checkpoint', $departure)
            ->where('arrival_checkpoint', $arrival)

        foreach($announceIds as $value) {

            $this->founds = DB::table('announcesForDelivery')
                ->where('announce_id', $value->announce_id)

        return response()->json($this->founds);

    return false;


This only works for side-by-side, not cross-search. I'm guessing I'll have to use the message_id to get any trip, but I'm not sure how to do this with the Eloquent ORM, would that be a subquery?


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2 answers

Here is one (not the best) solution you can use:


  • Search for flights with a given departure point
  • Find trips with a given checkpoint arrival and advertise from the departure search results.
  • Check if the sender's departure ID is set or not, the set arrival ID (otherwise, the inverted departure with arrival will still work).

$ departure = 'Paris';

$departure = 'Paris';
$arrival = 'Vienne';

// First pick journeys with given departure
$journeysWithDeparture = DB::table('journeys')
    ->where('departure_checkpoint', $departure)

// Then pick only journeys which has given arrival
$journeysWithArrival = DB::table('journeys')
    ->whereIn('announce_id', $journeysWithDeparture->pluck('announce_id')->toArray())
    ->where('arrival_checkpoint', $arrival)

$foundedAnnounceIds = [];
$processedAnnounceIds = [];

// Pick only journeys where departureId <= arrivalId
foreach ($journeysWithArrival as $journey)
    if(in_array($journey->announce_id, $processedAnnounceIds))

    $departure = $journeysWithDeparture->whereStrict('announce_id', $journey->announce_id)->first();

    if (isset($departure) && $journey->id >= $departure->id)
        $foundedAnnounceIds[] = $journey->announce_id;

    $processedAnnounceIds[] = $journey->announce_id;





Hmm ... Morning coffee and SQL ... lol

How about something like this:

select id_a from 
    (select announce_id id_a from Journeys where departure_checkpoint = 'paris') a
inner join
    (select announce_id id_b from Journeys where arrival_checkpoint = 'london') b
on a.id_a = b.id_b;


So you get all the ad IDs the shipment is in and attach it with all the ad IDs where the destination is ... Will return a list of all the trips these two users are listed on ...

Is this what you are trying to do?



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