IcCube report on selected dates in date slicer

what can I add to the "Suppress From" label to get the start of the current month?

enter image description here


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2 answers

There is another option that doesn't need javascript and will most likely live longer. Range selection can use values ​​from MDX, so we can modify the query to get what we are looking for:

SET [dates] as [Time].[Calendar].[Day].allmembers
Function ic3Min() as Head([dates])
Function ic3Max() as Tail([dates])
Function ic3DefFrom() as Tail([dates]).dtWithDayOfMonth(1)  // first day of month , not the same as withDayOfMonth
Function ic3DefTo() as Tail([dates])
{ic3Min(),ic3Max(),ic3DefFrom(),ic3DefTo()} on 0
FROM [Sales]


You have a wonderful family of date functions in MDX that allow you to navigate through the time. In our example, LookupByKey , Today and withDayOfMonth . Something like

[Time].[Calendar].[Day].lookupByKey( Today()->withDayOfMonth(1) )


This can be converted to a function to be reused:

 Function  myDatesStartOfCurrentMonth() as [Time].[Calendar].[Day].lookupByKey(Today()->withDayOfMonth(1) )


Eventually, you must change the filter to use the MDX values:

enter image description here

And this must happen.



There is no way to set such a preselection with existing data parameters, but you can achieve the desired behavior with JavaScript Hooks Widget .

To preselect on the first day of the month:

  • Setting data parameters

eg. As in the screenshot above, but without prior selection

  • Go to the category of widget categories

  • Copy the below code to the "On Data Received" value:

In the received data (for icCube 6.1):

 * Return data object
function(context, data, $box) {
    context.fireEvent('initDate', {caption_: moment().set('date', 1).format('YYYY-MM-DD')})
    return data;


In the received data (for earlier versions):

 * Return data object
function(context, data, $box) {
    context.eventMgr().fireEvent('initDate', {caption_: moment().set('date', 1).format('YYYY-MM-DD')})
    return data;


  • Configure the events section as follows:

Events section

Range preselection update

To apply the preselection selection range, the JavaScript body in the On Data Received hook:

 * Return data object
function(context, data, $box) {
    let event = new viz.event.RangeSelectionEvent([
        {name: moment().set('date', 1).format('YYYY-MM-DD')},
        {name: moment().set('date', 2).format('YYYY-MM-DD')}
    context.fireEvent('initDate2', event)
    return data;


PS Check the Demo report to see how it works.



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