How to Create an ASP.NET Web Forms Application in .NET v3.5

I am trying to add a new Web Forms project to an existing solution. However, when I choose .NET 3.5, the only option available to me is ASP.NET Empty Web Application, there is no choice for creating a WebForms application.

If I choose> v4.5 then it gives me the option.

How do I create a WebForms application in .NET 3.5?



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1 answer

  • Since 2015, you can create an ASP.NET Empty project and then use "Add Web Form" in the project menu.

enter image description here

  1. Another option is to install VS 2013. I am using VS 2013 before 2017 on the same machine and the latest version that allows me to create a .NET 3.5 WebForms project is 2013. The project template is in the "Visual Studio 2012" group in ASP.NET projects ...

It is possible that there is a project template package for 2015/2017 that will give you WebForms and 3.5, but my quick search shows nothing.



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