How do I use ng.material.MdDialog in ES5?

We need to use the ES5 flavor of Angular 2 and material 2.

We are stuck using the materials dialog. What we have done so far:

var parentComponent = ng.core.Component({
    templateUrl: '/parentComponent.html'
    selector: 'parentComponent'
    constructor: [app.material.MdDialog, function(dialog) {
        var _this = this;
        _this.dialog = dialog;
    openDialog: function() {
        var _this = this;
        var reference =' ? what goes here?');

var dialogComponent = ng.core.Component({
    selector: 'dialogComponent',
    templateUrl: '/dialogComponent.html'
    constructor: [ng.material.MdDialogRef, function(dialogRef) {
        var _this = this;
        _this.dialogRef = dialogRef;
        // why do we need dialog ref at all?


And when we call

, we run into this error:

caused by: No component factory found for [object Object]. Did you add it to @NgModule.entryComponents?


We cannot find a working example MdDialog

and we also cannot solve this problem. Who can help?


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