Create a set of lists from two lists via recursion

I have looked through a lot of questions on this site with some similar basic concepts, however after many hours of trying to solve this problem on my own and I still lose the overview. If there is another question that answers this, I'll be more than happy to take a look at it.

Ultimately I want to create a recursive method such that it takes two lists and returns a List of strings :

//Example of such a function definition
private static Set<List<String>> myRecursiveMethod(List<String> listOne, 
List<String> listTwo) {


When I say "Set of string lists" I mean specifically the following: (Note: "AD" == "DA")

// if the two following lists are INPUTTED into myRecursiveMethod();
// listOne = ["A","B"]
// listTwo = ["C","D"]
// the following set is OUTPUTTED: [["AC","BD"],["AD","BC"]] 


Thus, if listOne and listTw had three elements, the set would have SIX elements. i.e:

// listOne = ["A","B","C"]
// listTwo = ["D","E","F"]
// OUTPUTTED: [["AD","BE","CF"],["AD","BF","CE"],["BD","AE","CF"],
// ["BD","AF","CE"],["CD","AE","BF"],["CD","AF","BE"]] 


I tried to write this using a double extended FOR loop so I can understand the logic. My FOR loop is terrible and only works for the HARD-CODED constraint for list.size () == 2.

// Create Lists and append elements 
List<String> listOne = new ArrayList<String>();

List<String> listTwo = new ArrayList<String>();

// List One = ["A","B"]
// List Two = ["C","D"]

// Create new List
List<List<String>> newList = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
Integer counter = 0;

    for (String s : listOne) {
        for (String p : listTwo) {

            // A HARD-CODED bad implementation of this method
            if (counter < 3) {
                List<String> newListTwo = new ArrayList<String>();

            } else if (!(counter % 2 == 0)) {

            } else {
    System.out.println(newList); // = [["AC","BD"],["AD","BC"]] 


Also you may notice that I have defined List <List <String → Instead of Set <List <String →. It was due to my failed coding attempt which relies on the list.get () method.

So my current recursive method looks like this:

private static Set<List<String>> myRecursiveMethod(List<String> listOne, 
List<String> listTwo) 
    //Base Case:
    if (listOne.isEmpty){
        return new HashSet<List<String>>;
    //Recursive Case:
    else {
        String listOneFirst = listOne.get(0);
        String listTwoFirst = listTwo.get(0);

        List<String> sampleList = new ArrayList<String>();

        Set<List<String>> newSet = new HashSet<List<String>>(myRecursiveMethod())
        return newSet;


This method only works like this:


  • List One = ["A", "B"]
  • List two = ["C", "D"]


  • [["AC"] ["BD"]]


  • [["AC", "BD"], ["AD", "BC"]]


After looking at the answers, my WIP code for the class:

private static Set<List<String>> myRecursiveMethod(List<String> listOne,
        List<String> listTwo) {

    //Backup Case (user enters an empty list)
    if (listOne.isEmpty()){
        return new HashSet<List<String>>();

    // Base Case:
    if (listOne.size() == 1) {
        List<String> mergedStrings = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String s : listTwo) {
        Set<List<String>> builtHashSet = new HashSet<List<String>();
        return builtHashSet;
    // Recursive Case:
    else {

        // Ensure original list values arn't changed.
        List<String> newListOne = new ArrayList<String>(listOne);
        List<String> newListTwo = new ArrayList<String>(listTwo);

        //first two elements...I don't think this is correct
        String listOneFirst = newListOne.get(0);
        String listTwoFirst = newListTwo.get(0);
        List<String> sampleList = new ArrayList<String>();
        sampleList.add(listOneFirst + listTwoFirst);

        //used for making recursive case smaller

        // Calls recursion
        Set<List<String>> newSet = new HashSet<List<String>>(
                myRecursiveMethod(newListOne, newListTwo));

        return newSet;



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1 answer

I think the problem is here:

if (listOne.isEmpty){
    return new HashSet<List<String>>;


You are right, at some point your recursion should complete and you should start building the desired result. But the desired result is not a Set with an empty list. This is a set containing some lists with some content. Thus: don't wait until listOne is empty. Instead of this:

if (listOne.size() == 1) {
  List<String> mergedStrings = new ArrayList<>();
  mergedStrings = ... merge the ONE listOne entry with all listTwo entries
  Set<List<String>> rv = new HashSet<>();
  return rv;


In other words: you use recursion to decrease the length of the first list by one. And when there is only one item left in that list, it's time to merge into the second list.

Now let's see how to "use" this (calling rec for brevity); dumping some pseudo code to show the steps we need:

rec([a, b], [c,d]) -->
rec([a], [c,d]) X rec([b], [c, d]) -->
<[ac, ad]> X <[bc, bd]> -->
<[ac, ad], [bc, bd]>


"X" means "join" two results from recursive calls; should be as simple as:

Set<List<String>> rec1 = rec(...);
return rec1.addAll(rec2 ...




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