How do I know the scroll state in a FlatList?

How do I know the scroll state in a FlatList? For example, startScroll, Scrolling, endScroll

    onScroll={(e) => { }}


there is an onScroll mothed, but it only starts when scrolling. I want to listen to the start and end of the scroll, how can I do that?

I also tried using TouchableWithoutFeedback:

    onPressIn={() => console.log('in')}
    onPressOut={() => console.log('out')}>


But touch events will be intercepted by TouchableWithoutFeedback, FlatList cannot be scrolled.


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1 answer

since Flatlist

inherits all the details ScrollView

, you can use onScrollEndDrag

and onScrollBeginDrag

to solve this problem:

    onScrollEndDrag={() => console.log("end")}
    onScrollBeginDrag={() => console.log("start")}/>


additional information .



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