What is the correct way to upload a file using NSwag code generator (angular 2 typescript)

I am trying to upload a file via angular 2 typescript client. The link generated in the Swagger UI works fine, but the typescript client generated doesn't work.

The controller looks like this:

    [SwaggerResponse((int) HttpStatusCode.OK, Type = typeof(FileContentResult))]
    [ProducesResponseType(typeof(FileResult), (int) HttpStatusCode.OK)]
    public virtual FileResult Export(int Id, string fileType, CsvFormat format, bool includeHeader)
        FileStreamResult file = new FileStreamResult(s, "text/csv");
        file.FileDownloadName = ts.Name + "." + fileType;

        return file;


Swagger interface: Loading Swagger UI

The generated typescript client looks like this. As you can see, responseText is set but never returned. What am I missing?

protected processRestTimeSeriesExportGet(response: Response): Observable<void> {
    const status = response.status; 

    if (status === 200) {
        const responseText = response.text();
        return Observable.of<void>(<any>null);
    } else if (status !== 200 && status !== 204) {
        const responseText = response.text();
        return throwException("An unexpected server error occurred.", status, responseText);
    return Observable.of<void>(<any>null);




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1 answer

Found the answer to this problem:

On startup add:

services.AddSwaggerGen(options =>
options.MapType<FileContentResult>(() => new Schema
                Type = "file",


And for your controller:

    [SwaggerResponse(200, typeof(FileContentResult))]
    [ProducesResponseType(typeof(FileContentResult), 200)]
    public async Task<FileResult> MyMethod(Viewmodel vm)


Late answer, but for people who have the same problem ...



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