How to change deepest object to string value if it is empty object in JavaScript

Suppose I have this object:

{CONN_INFO: {CFGSwitch: {412: {}}}}


It has a depth of 4. I want to reassign the key 412

to "{}"

so that the final object is

{CONN_INFO: {CFGSwitch: {412: "{}"}}}


Function for checking depth:

function checkDepth(object) {
  var level = 1;
  var key;
  for(key in object) {
      if (!object.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue;

      if(typeof object[key] == 'object'){
          var depth = checkDepth(object[key]) + 1;
          level = Math.max(depth, level);
  return level;


I have something like this, but I'm not sure if it is optimal or will work for all cases. Would be thanked for entering.

function checkIfLastLevelEmpty(obj, depth) {
  for (var key in obj) {
    var val = obj[key];
    if (Object.keys(obj[key]).length === 0) {
      obj[key] = "{}";
    else {
      if (depth >0) {
        checkIfLastLevelEmpty(val, depth-1);



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2 answers

First, combine some knowledge:

How do I check for an empty JavaScript object?

The above question has an amazing answer with many options in it, I'm going to edit snippets to form a couple of functions:

function isObject (obj) {
    return obj.constructor === Object;

function isEmptyObject (obj) {    
    return Object.keys(obj).length === 0 && isObject(obj);


Ace. Now, assuming you have a very linear object structure, it's not a complex array and doesn't care about depth (just that it's empty) lets you loop the function through the tree.

function convertEmptyObjects (obj, currentDepth) {
    currentDepth = currentDepth || 0;
    for (var key in obj) {
        var val = obj[key];
        if (isObject(val)) {
            if (isEmptyObject(val)) {
                obj[key] = "{}";
                console.log("Defeated boss ("+ key +") on level "+ currentDepth +"!");
                convertDeepestEmptyObject (val, currentDepth + 1);                    
    return obj;


Lets test this on a terrible looking object:

var testObject = {
    CONN_INFO: {
        CFGSwitch: {
            412: {}, // Level 2
            413: {
                content: {}  // Level 3
        DummySwitch: {} // Level 1
        CFGSwitch: {
            414: {},  // Level 2
            415: {
                content: {
                    host: "google",
                    port: "8080",
                    protocol: {}  // Level 4
    STAGING_CONN_INFO: {} // Level 0


/* Output:
* Defeated boss (412) on level 2!
* Defeated boss (content) on level 3!
* Defeated boss (DummySwitch) on level 1!
* Defeated boss (414) on level 2!
* Defeated boss (protocol) on level 4!
* Defeated boss (STAGING_CONN_INFO) on level 0!

// Result:
    "CONN_INFO": {
        "CFGSwitch": {
            "412": "{}", // Empty String {}
            "413": {
                "content": "{}" // Empty String {}
        "DummySwitch": "{}" // Empty String {}
        "CFGSwitch": {
            "414": "{}", // Empty String {}
            "415": {
                "content": {
                    "host": "google",
                    "port": "8080",
                    "protocol": "{}" // Empty String {}
    "STAGING_CONN_INFO": "{}" // Empty String {}


There you have it.



var obj={CONN_INFO: {CFGSwitch: {412: {}}}};

Why do you check depth and then go into it? can't you do it all in one?

Long form of top code:

function deeper(obj){
  if(Object.keys(Object.values(obj)[0]).length){ // if the child object has properties
    return deeper(Object.values(obj)[0]);




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