Finding the top 10 in a dataframe in Pandas

I have a dataframe (df) with approximately 800 lines with data like this:

Name: Jason
Age: 45 Ticket: 1

Name: Kim
Age: 30 Ticket: 0

1 = has a ticket 0 = has no ticket

(sorry it didn't format very well. It's basically 3 columns in the dataframe: Name, Age and Ticket)

Using Pandas I am wondering what is the syntax for finding the Top 10 Oldest People with a Ticket

So far I have:



I know what is wrong, but it shows what parameters I am looking for. Any ideas? Thanks to


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2 answers

If you only want the names of old people, then

df[df['Ticket'] == 1].sort_values('Age')['Names'].head(10)




mask, sorting, head

df[df.Ticket == 1].sort_values('Age').head(10)




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