Does F # have pursuit or hoogle?

I recently saw that some code (Fake, in particular) uses the "@@" function without defining it, presumably it exists as part of the F # standard library or somewhere else in .NET.

How do I search the internet for this type? Is there any use case or hoogle-like database I can use?

This question focuses more on how to find a specific feature and, incidentally, hoogle alternatives. There are two very good answers, and the nature of the answers and comments is completely different.


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2 answers

There is an FSDN that allows you to search in mscorlib, some system DLLs, and a few libraries (including FAKE).



It is defined in the module Fake.EnvironmentHelper

( source ):

let inline (@@) path1 path2 = combinePaths path1 path2


where combinePaths

is just the curry BCL form Path.Combine

with deletion in the leading path separator in path2

( source ):

let inline combinePaths path1 (path2 : string) = 
    Path.Combine(path1, path2.TrimStart [| '\\'; '/' |])


Please note what Fake.EnvironmentHelper

uses AutoOpenAttribute

. Other modules related to this statement @@

do not explicitly require a open

module Fake.EnvironmentHelper




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