Error Topic 1: Breakpoint 1.1

So, I am getting Thread 1: Breakpoint 1.1 error in my IBAction function. The code runs without error, but when I click a button on the simulator, the simulator crashes and throws a breakpoint error. Corrupted code:

@IBAction override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject!) {

    if testoEsercizio.text == "Per iniziare premi la tv" {
        var viewController : SecondoSchermo = segue.destinationViewController as SecondoSchermo
        viewController.stringaponte = "SI buono"
    else {
        var viewController : SecondoSchermo = segue.destinationViewController as SecondoSchermo
        viewController.stringaponte = "NON buono"




I don't have much experience with stream errors and am a little frustrated trying to fix this issue. Any help is appreciated.



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6 answers

Open the breakpoint editor in Xcode with ⌘ + 7

. From there, you can see breakpoints that are on (as indicated in blue) or off (light blue). I highly suspect you have a breakpoint in your method.

The term Thread 1: Breakpoint 1.1

is the debugger's internal name for the breakpoint (I'm assuming you're reading this from the green line of text?). This doesn't necessarily mean it's a thread error, it just tells you where it left off.

You can click ^ + ⌘ + Y

to continue or go to the debug menu and select other options. ⇧ + ⌘ + Y

displays the debug area and button bar that correlate with the actions of the Debug menu.


enter image description here



this means that you will set a breakpoint in your code. If you did it by mistake, press CMD + 7 to select all breakpoints in Xcode. In the breakpoint navigator on the left, you can now select and remove breakpoints with backspace



Have you accidentally added a breakpoint to your code? If so, the program will run until that point and then stop.

Check if there are any blue arrows associated with some part of your program that mark a breakpoint.



You can click on the (dark blue) sign and the green message will disappear. And the next part of your code will be accessible from simulation or else.



To fix this problem, follow these instructions.

1- Go to the product in the toolbar.

2- Then go to Diagram.

3- And go to edit the circuit.

4- Then click Run (Debug).

5- in Run (Debug) there are missing arguments. At startup, just press + and then set that value (-v)

6- Close.



If you are having this problem, the easiest way to fix this problem is to click the debug option in the tools menu at the top of the screen, after which you will find the "disable breakpoints" option.



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