How to manage DELETE 204 response status code with Rest Admin?

I am trying to integrate admin-on-rest with api sending 204 HTTP response without body on successful DELETE.

So DELETE I am getting the error:

REST response must contain data key

I am using jsonServerRestClient

and I am wondering how I could override this client so that it accepts 204 on DELETE and redirects the list?


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2 answers

so if my trivial answer has been converted to a comment please post it in more detail.

you can write your client. add this to App.js

import customRestClient from './customRestClient'


create customRestClient.js

and enter code from jsonServerRestClient.js

there in function convertHTTPResponseToREST

you can add



and see what response

is the object containing the response code. In the case block, you can write your own behavior by adding DELETE. I hope this helps you



Update the convertHTTPResponseToREST method in your rest client to handle responses for DELETE requests and enter a data key (which might just be an empty object).


const convertHTTPResponseToREST = (response, type, resource, params) => {
    switch (type) {
        case GET_LIST:
        case GET_MANY_REFERENCE:
        case CREATE:

        /* START OF MAGIC */

        case DELETE:
            return { data: { } };

        /* END OF MAGIC */



I believe that redirecting back to the list after successful deletion is the default behavior.



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