Angular Material - md-select - selected item in dropdown

I have an md-select dropdown menu with a list of usernames. I want to be selected. How can I achieve this?

  <md-select formControlName="lead" ng-model="" id="lead" style="min-width: 200px;">
                    <md-option *ngFor="let lead of users" [value]="">

getLead() {
            .subscribe(res => {
                this.plan = res;
                console.log("lead: " + this.plan.lead);     



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2 answers

You are using ng-model

, which is AngularJS syntax. But here, you don't need to use ngModel, since you have a reactive form (??) and you can set the formcontrol with the value you got. So when you got yours plan

, you can set the value:



Your template:

<md-select formControlName="lead" id="lead" style="min-width: 200px;">
  <md-option *ngFor="let lead of users" [value]="">


Wait a couple of seconds and Plunker will be set to.



First, are you using reactive forms?

If so, even though you are using the wrong syntax in ng-model

(it should be [(ngModel)]

), you should not use it with reactive forms.

Use only formControlName

or [formControl]




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