Calling successive sagas in sequence

Saga noob is here. I tried to find the correct way to do this, but I can't think of anything that solves my problem.

I have a saga that makes an API call to make a decision. Based on this solution, I can do a redirect or send another action that starts another thread in the saga.

export default function* applicationFlow(action) {
  let data = { productInfo: {} };
  try {
    yield put(appStatusSwitch('busy', 'Processing', 'app-status.text.verifying'));

    const res = yield call(, data);

    const decision = res.decision ? res.decision.toLowerCase() : null;

    yield put(appDecision(decision));

    switch (decision) {
      case 'question':
          yield put (appQuestions (res.questions));
          // redirect to questions page
          redirectTo ('/question-page');
      case 'pass':
      case 'fail': 
        //dispatch an action that does another flow..yield takeLatest(APP_SUBMIT, processApplicationFlow)
        yield put (submit ());
  catch(e) {
  finally {
      yield put(appStatusSwitch('free'));


In the thread above, how to make the saga wait for completion yield put(submit())

before the thread in that generator goes to the block finally



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1 answer

If I understand your problem correctly, you can call

saga processApplicationFlow

directly instead of performing an action.

Yours case

will look like this:

case 'fail':
  yield call(processApplicationFlow)



will be blocked until another saga ends.

Hope my answer was helpful.



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