Docker container cannot connect to host machine: no route to host

I am trying to set up a docker environment using docker compose. One issue that puzzled me is that my docker containers cannot reach my main machine.

I am setting up a container using the following compose file:

version: '3'
    image: ...
      - "8080:8080"


When I enter the container, I can ping my host machine:

ping ${dockerHostIP}


However, when I try to restore the home page using curl inside the container:

curl http://${dockerHostIP}:8080


I get:

curl: (7) Failed connect to ${dockerHostIP}:8080; No route to host


I cannot figure out what needs to be done to resolve this error. Unfortunately, I have to be able to do this as the web app makes requests using its hostname internally.

Traceroute results:

traceroute ${dockerHostIP}
traceroute to ${dockerHostIP} (${dockerHostIP}), 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  ${dockerHostName} (${dockerHostIP})  0.039 ms !X  0.012 ms !X  0.007 ms !X



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1 answer

To my surprise, in my case it was a firewall issue.

Updating / enabling tcp port [2375] on the docker host fixes the issue.

sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=2375/tcp --permanent

sudo firewall-cmd --reload 


useful links: 1. enter link description here 2. enter link here



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