How can I pass callbacks and their arguments from a wrapped function to a decorator using Python 3.x?

I am writing a general wrapper around the REST API. I have several functions like the ones below, responsible for fetching a user from their email address. Part of the interest lies in how the response is handled based on the list of expected status codes (other than HTTP 200

) and the callbacks associated with each expected status code:

import requests

def get_user_from_email(email):
    response = requests.get('' % email)

    # define callbacks
    def return_as_json(response):
        print('Found user with email [%s].' % email)
        return response.json()

    def user_with_email_does_not_exist(response):
        print('Could not find any user with email [%s]. Returning `None`.' % email),
        return None

    expected_status_codes_and_callbacks = { return_as_json,  # HTTP 200 == success
        404: user_with_email_does_not_exist,
    if response.status_code in expected_status_codes_and_callbacks:
        callback = expected_status_codes_and_callbacks[response.status_code]
        return callback(response)

john_doe = get_user_from_email('')
print(john_doe is not None)  # True

unregistered_user = get_user_from_email('')
print(unregistered_user is None)  # True


The code above works well, so I want to refactor and generalize some of the response handling. I would like to receive the following code:

@process_response({ return_as_json, 404: user_with_email_does_not_exist})
def get_user_from_email(email):
    # define callbacks
    def return_as_json(response):
        print('Found user with email [%s].' % email)
        return response.json()

    def user_with_email_does_not_exist(response):
        print('Could not find any user with email [%s]. Returning `None`.' % email),
        return None

    return requests.get('' % email)


with a decorator process_response

defined as:

import functools

def process_response(extra_response_codes_and_callbacks=None):

    def actual_decorator(f):

        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            response = f(*args, **kwargs)

            if response.status_code in expected_status_codes_and_callbacks:
                action_to_perform = expected_status_codes_and_callbacks[response.status_code]
                return action_to_perform(response)
                response.raise_for_status()  # raise exception on unexpected status code

        return wrapper

    return actual_decorator


My problem is that the decorator is complaining about not having access to return_as_json

and user_with_email_does_not_exist

because these callbacks are defined inside the wrapped function.

If I decide to move the callbacks outside of the wrapped function, for example at the same level as the decorator itself, then the callbacks don't have access to the response and email variables inside the wrapped function.

# does not work either, as response and email are not visible from the callbacks
def return_as_json(response):
    print('Found user with email [%s].' % email)
    return response.json()

def user_with_email_does_not_exist(response):
    print('Could not find any user with email [%s]. Returning `None`.' % email),
    return None

@process_response({ return_as_json, 404: user_with_email_does_not_exist})
def get_user_from_email(email):
    return requests.get('' % email)


What's the correct approach? I find the decorator syntax very clean, but I can't figure out how to pass the necessary parts to it (either the callbacks themselves, or their input arguments like response

and email



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4 answers

Here's an approach that uses element member data for class methods to map a response function to an appropriate callback. This seems to me the cleanest syntax, but I still have a class that turns into a function (which could be easily avoided if desired).

# dummy response object
from collections import namedtuple
Response = namedtuple('Response', 'data status_code error')

def callback(status_code):
    def method(f):
        f.status_code = status_code
        return staticmethod(f)
    return method

def request(f):
    f.request = True
    return staticmethod(f)

def callback_redirect(cls):
    __callback_map = {}
    for attribute_name in dir(cls):
        attribute = getattr(cls, attribute_name)

        status_code = getattr(attribute, 'status_code', '')
        if status_code:
            __callback_map[status_code] = attribute

        if getattr(attribute, 'request', False):
            __request = attribute

    def call_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        response = __request(*args, **kwargs)
        callback = __callback_map.get(response.status_code)
        if callback is not None:
            return callback(response)
            return response.error

    return call_wrapper

class get_user_from_email:

    def json(response):
        return 'json response: {}'.format(

    def does_not_exist(response):
        return 'does not exist'

    def request(email):
        response = Response(email, '200', 'exception')
        return response

print get_user_from_email('')
# json response:




You can convert decorator keys to strings and then infer the inner functions from the outer function passed to the decorator via f.func_code.co_consts

. Don't do it this way.

import functools, new
from types import CodeType

def decorator(callback_dict=None):

    def actual_decorator(f):
        code_dict = {c.co_name: c for c in f.func_code.co_consts if type(c) is CodeType}

        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            main_return = f(*args, **kwargs)

            if main_return['callback'] in callback_dict:
                callback_string = callback_dict[main_return['callback']]
                callback = new.function(code_dict[callback_string], {})
                return callback(main_return)

        return wrapper

    return actual_decorator

@decorator({'key_a': 'function_a'})
def main_function(callback):

    def function_a(callback_object):
        for k, v in callback_object.items():
            if k != 'callback':
                print '{}: {}'.format(k, v)

    return {'callback': callback, 'key_1': 'value_1', 'key_2': 'value_2'}

# key_1: value_1
# key_2: value_2


Can you use classes? This decision is immediate if you can use the class.



As mentioned in the comments to my other answer, here is an answer that uses classes and decorators. This is a bit counterintuitive because it is get_user_from_email

declared as a class but ends up as a function after decoration. It does have the desired syntax, however, so a plus. Perhaps this could be the starting point for a cleaner solution.

# dummy response object
from collections import namedtuple
Response = namedtuple('Response', 'data status_code error')

def callback_mapper(callback_map):

    def actual_function(cls):

        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            request = getattr(cls, 'request')
            response = request(*args, **kwargs)

            callback_name = callback_map.get(response.status_code)
            if callback_name is not None:
                callback_function = getattr(cls, callback_name)
                return callback_function(response)

                return response.error

        return wrapper

    return actual_function

@callback_mapper({'200': 'json', '404': 'does_not_exist'})
class get_user_from_email:

    def json(response):
        return 'json response: {}'.format(

    def does_not_exist(response):
        return 'does not exist'

    def request(email):
        response = Response('response data', '200', 'exception')
        return response

print get_user_from_email('blah')
# json response: response data




You can pass functional parameters of an external function to handlers:

def return_as_json(response, email=None):  # email param
    print('Found user with email [%s].' % email)
    return response.json()

@process_response({ return_as_json, 404: ...})
def get_user_from_email(email):
    return requests.get('...: %s' % email)

# in decorator
     # email param will be passed to return_as_json
     return action_to_perform(response, *args, **kwargs)




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