How to crack SHA-256, which has multiple words?
I want to crack the preimage of the SHA-256 hash, this is an exercise, and my only hint: concatenation of four visible words.
I tried google hash and put it in several online crackers / rainbow tables. I think bruteforce is not an option because the four words must be too long in total, even if each word itself is short.
So the only thing left is a dictionary attack, right? But dictionary words with four words must be too large to search, I tried to generate them via hashcat-utils / combinator.bin and got about 50GB RAM overflow even for short input dictionary. For the more popular English nouns (top100) I have created small 4 word dictionaries with no success.
Any ideas how to approach this further?
PS: visiblevisiblevisiblevisible is unfortunately not the answer - I've tried these puns too. :-)
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