Type Family equivalent of `Eq`?

Family type with class shows:

enter image description here

As I don't quite understand, this slide shows two ways of implementation Eq

: via a type class or a family type.

I am familiar with class types and thus implemented MyEq


class MyEq a where 
    eq :: a -> a -> Bool


But when I tried to detect the version type family

, it failed to compile:

data Defined = Yes | No

type family IsEq (a :: *) :: Defined    


due to:

TypeEq.hs:30:30: error:Type constructorDefinedcannot be used here
        (Perhaps you intended to use DataKinds)In the kindDefined

Please explain how to implement the type family

type class version Eq

. Also, it would be helpful to show the implementation of such an instance type family

(if that's even the right word).


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2 answers

It's pretty neat, glad I came across this. For those interested, here is a slide deck and paper here . This is a common use case for some language extensions.

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, ConstraintKinds #-}

data Defined = Yes | No

type family IsEq (a :: *) :: Defined

type Eq a = IsEq a ~ Yes


Then the "implementation" of this is instances of type

type instance IsEq () = Yes      -- '()' is an instance of 'Eq'
type instance IsEq Int = Yes     -- 'Int' is an instance of 'Eq'
type instance IsEq [a] = IsEq a  -- '[a]' is an instance of 'Eq' is 'a' is


You can "try" them in GHCi:

ghci> :kind! IsEq [Int]
IsEq [Int] :: Defined
= Yes


But paper and slide deck don't bother too much about actually providing an equality function. (He mentions saving it in the field Yes

.) So why is it interesting if it isn't even ready to provide class methods? Insofar as

  • it provides a better mechanism than overlapping classes
  • searching backtracking is easier than using typeclasses
  • this allows it to crash from the start with a nice error message (coded as a field in the constructor No



Try adding DataKinds

As a language extension (for example, at the beginning of the file under the "language" pragma), as the error message suggests.

I have not watched the conversation, but iiuc, Defined

just Bool

where it Yes

is True

. So if you include DataKinds you can just use IsEq a ~ 'True

(and the apostrophe before True just means "this is a type").

Some background: what this extension does is "elevate" every value of any algebraic data type (ie, declared with data

, but not GADTs

, iiuc) into its own type; and then elevates each type to its own view ("view" in Haskell is a "type of types"), i.e. not "kind" (pronounced "star star"), which is a common Haskell meaning that exists at runtime.

By the way:

[Bool] :: *

means "collateral list is type". and [] :: * -> *

means that the type constructor for lists is of type "type to type", that is, "after you provide a List for one type, you get a type".



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