Convert RGB Image to Index Image

I want to convert a 3 channel RGB image to an index image using Python. He used a deep network for semantic segmentation to handle learning labels. By index image I mean it has one channel and each pixel is an index that must start at zero. And of course they must be the same size. The conversion is based on the following mapping in a Python dict:

color2index = {
        (255, 255, 255) : 0,
        (0,     0, 255) : 1,
        (0,   255, 255) : 2,
        (0,   255,   0) : 3,
        (255, 255,   0) : 4,
        (255,   0,   0) : 5


I have implemented a naive function:

def im2index(im):
    turn a 3 channel RGB image to 1 channel index image
    assert len(im.shape) == 3
    height, width, ch = im.shape
    assert ch == 3
    m_lable = np.zeros((height, width, 1), dtype=np.uint8)
    for w in range(width):
        for h in range(height):
            b, g, r = im[h, w, :]
            m_lable[h, w, :] = color2index[(r, g, b)]
    return m_lable


The input im

is an array of dummies created cv2.imread()

. However, this code is really slow. Since it im

is in a NumPy array, I first tried ufunc

NUMPY with something like this:

RGB2index = np.frompyfunc(lambda x: color2index(tuple(x)))
indices = RGB2index(im)


But it turns out that ufunc

it only takes one element at a time. I was unable to give the function three arguments (RGB value) once.

So are there any other ways to do the optimization? The mapping shouldn't be like this if a more efficient data structure exists. I noticed that accessing a Python dict dose is not time consuming, but converting from an array to a tuple (which can be hashed) does.

PS: One idea I got is to implement the kernel in CUDA. But that would be more difficult.

UPDATA1: Dan Mashek The answer works great. But first, we have to convert the RGB image to grayscale. This can be problematic if two colors have the same grayscale value.

I am pasting working code here. Hope this can help others.

lut = np.ones(256, dtype=np.uint8) * 255
lut[[255,29,179,150,226,76]] = np.arange(6, dtype=np.uint8)
im_out = cv2.LUT(cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY), lut)



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4 answers

in fact the for loop takes a long time.

binary_mask = (im_array[:,:,0] == 255) & (im_array[:,:,1] == 255) & (im_array[:,:,2] == 0) 


maybe the above code can help you



Have you checked the Pillow library ? As far as I remember, it has several classes and methods for handling color. See:



Here's a small utility function to convert images (np.array) to pixel labels (indices), which can also be hot-coded:

def rgb2label(img, color_codes = None, one_hot_encode=False):
    if color_codes is None:
        color_codes = {val:i for i,val in enumerate(set( tuple(v) for m2d in img for v in m2d ))}
    n_labels = len(color_codes)
    result = np.ndarray(shape=img.shape[:2], dtype=int)
    result[:,:] = -1
    for rgb, idx in color_codes.items():
        result[(img==rgb).all(2)] = idx

    if one_hot_encode:
        one_hot_labels = np.zeros((img.shape[0],img.shape[1],n_labels))
        # one-hot encoding
        for c in range(n_labels):
            one_hot_labels[: , : , c ] = (result == c ).astype(int)
        result = one_hot_labels

    return result, color_codes

img = cv2.imread("input_rgb_for_labels.png")
img_labels, color_codes = rgb2label(img)
print(color_codes) # e.g. to see what the codebook is

img1 = cv2.imread("another_rgb_for_labels.png")
img1_labels, _ = rgb2label(img1, color_codes) # use the same codebook


It computes (and returns) the color codebook, if supplied None




  I implemented a naive function: ... First I tried ufunc

NumPy something like this: ...

I suggest using an even more naive function that converts just one pixel:

def rgb2index(rgb):
    turn a 3 channel RGB color to 1 channel index color
    return color2index[tuple(rgb)]


Then it would be a good idea to use a normal procedure, but we don't need ufunc


np.apply_along_axis(rgb2index, 2, im)



Used here to apply our function rgb2index()

to RGB slices along the last of the three axes (0, 1, 2) for the entire image im


We could even dispense with the function and just write:

np.apply_along_axis(lambda rgb: color2index[tuple(rgb)], 2, im)




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