Ignore null and empty string in Linq Query

How can I ignore NULL and empty string matches when doing the following query?

var tMisMatchList = lstExchgMatch.Any(o =>
    o.MulDivFlg != lstExchgMatch[0].MulDivFlg); 


For example, a list has the following data

  [0] = MulDivFlg = "";     // 1st element in the list whose multdivflag value is ""
  [1] = MulDivFlg = null; // 2nd element in the list whose multdivflag value is null
  [2] = MulDivFlg = null; 
  [3] = MulDivFlg = ""; 


In this case, my previous query returns true. since there was a mismatch between "and NULL. But my expectation is to ignore the comparison check" null "and" ". It will only do non-empty and non-empty strings. It should ignore the presence of null and" "and treat them as equal

The above query returns false because it thinks null is not equal to "". But I want it to return true and consider null and "equal or ignore when the string was null or" ".


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1 answer

You can add a condition && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.MulDivFlg) != string.IsNullOrEmpty(lstExchgMatch[0].MulDivFlg))

in your lambda expression Any


var tMisMatchList = lstExchgMatch.Any(o => o.MulDivFlg != lstExchgMatch[0].MulDivFlg &&
    (string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.MulDivFlg) != string.IsNullOrEmpty(lstExchgMatch[0].MulDivFlg))); 




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