How to load resolution of multiple node module loaders?

I made several loaders available in the npm module. I want different projects to load these webpack loaders based on needs. So I have included them in one module. How do I add these loaders to my webpack config?

Below are the ways I tried for a module named test-module

and loadertest-loader

1), expecting it to resolve the module directly ( test-loader

even installed via export) and using the loader. loader: 'test-module/test-loader'

2) Tried adding config in resolveLoader

resolveLoader: { modules: ['node_modules', 'test-module'], extensions: ['.js', '.json'], mainFields: ['loader', 'main'], }

and also loader: 'test-loader'

3) Even tried to provide relative path to folder resolveLoader: { modules: ['node_modules', 'node_modules\test-module\loaders'], extensions: ['.js', '.json'], mainFields: ['loader', 'main'], }

and also loader: 'test-loader'

All of the above didn't work. But directly providing the relative path in the loader worked. loader: './node_modules/test-module/'

Is there a better way to provide relative paths?


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