Laravel collection: flattened with full name

Is there a way with Laravel collections to flatten an array with a key "namespace". Something like:

$a = collect([
    'id' => 1,
    'data' => [
        'a' => 2,
        'b' => 3

$a = $a->flattenWithKeysNamespace(); // <-- this does not exists

// Should returns: 
// ['a' => 1, 'data.b' => 2, 'data.c' => 3]; // <-- I would like this.


I know I can do this in raw PHP or with some collection of Collection functions, but sometimes I miss something in the Laravel Collection documentation. So, is there an easy way with Collection functions?


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2 answers

I think you are correct that there is no "Laravel way" for this. Answers like this show a way to do it in PHP if you're ready to convert yours Collection

to an array, but since you mention raw PHP I assume you've already found this kind of solution.

I think your best bet when using methods Collection

is to write a similar function to the one I linked, but use type functions flatMap()

and recursively call your function when your item is also a collection.



If you don't want the depth level that gets converted, I think the easiest option for you is a helper function array_dot

. If you want more granular control over how deep the recursion is and whether or not you need to have dot-delimited keys, I've written a collection macro that can do that. Usually collect($array)->collapse()

supports string keys, but non-incrementing numeric keys are still lost even if they are coerced to string. And I recently needed to support them.

Put this in your method AppServiceProvider::boot()


     * Flatten an array while keeping it keys, even non-incremental numeric ones, in tact.
     * Unless $dotNotification is set to true, if nested keys are the same as any
     * parent ones, the nested ones will supersede them.
     * @param int $depth How many levels deep to flatten the array
     * @param bool $dotNotation Maintain all parent keys in dot notation
    Collection::macro('flattenKeepKeys', function ($depth = 1, $dotNotation = false) {
        if ($depth) {
            $newArray = [];
            foreach ($this->items as $parentKey => $value) {
                if (is_array($value)) {
                    $valueKeys = array_keys($value);
                    foreach ($valueKeys as $key) {
                        $subValue = $value[$key];
                        $newKey = $key;
                        if ($dotNotation) {
                            $newKey = "$parentKey.$key";
                            if ($dotNotation !== true) {
                                $newKey = "$dotNotation.$newKey";

                            if (is_array($value[$key])) {
                                $subValue = collect($value[$key])->flattenKeepKeys($depth - 1, $newKey)->toArray();
                        $newArray[$newKey] = $subValue;
                } else {
                    $newArray[$parentKey] = $value;

            $this->items = collect($newArray)->flattenKeepKeys(--$depth, $dotNotation)->toArray();

        return collect($this->items);


Then you can call collect($a)->flattenKeepKeys(1, true);

and return what you expect.



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