How do I find and replace in a CSV I import using mysql

I am importing a CSV file into Heidi SQL. I created a table using this code:

create table all_data
        Keyword varchar(1000),
        Position int,
        Previous_Position int,
        Search_Volume int,
        KW_Difficulty float,
        URL varchar(1000),
        Post_title varchar(1000),
        Post_URL varchar(1000),
        Genre varchar(1000),
        Location varchar(1000),
        Avg_Daily_Visitors float,
        pageviews int


but in Avg_Daily_visitors column it has "\ n" where there is no value. I imported data using this code:

load data local infile 'C:/filepath.../All_Data.csv'
replace into table all_data
fields terminated by ','
    enclosed by '"'
    escaped by '"'
lines terminated by "\r\n"
ignore 1 rows
    Avg_Daily_Visitors = replace(Avg_Daily_Visitors,"\N",0),
    pageviews = replace(pageviews,"\N", 0)


but that doesn't replace the values โ€‹โ€‹0, which is what I want to achieve. How do I force Heidi SQL to replace "\ n" with "0" on import?



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1 answer

First, assign the value you are reading to a variable and then apply that variable. To do this, you specify the columns of the target table, and instead of the column where you want to replace, instead of a variable.

load data local infile 'C:/filepath.../All_Data.csv'
replace into table all_data
fields terminated by ','
    enclosed by '"'
    escaped by '"'
lines terminated by "\r\n"
ignore 1 rows
(column_1, column_2, @variable1, @variable2, column_5)
    Avg_Daily_Visitors = replace(@variable1,"\N",0),
    pageviews = replace(@variable2,"\N", 0)




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