Maintain state.params between react-navigation tabs

I am creating an app with react-react and react. The problem is that when I go to the TabNavigator view, switching between tabs erases the navigation options for the TabNavigator scene. I want to keep the same navigation options for all tabs.

Here is my setup. It starts with Home

TabNavigator. If they click on a person PeopleList

, then I move on to Person

TabNavigator, calling: this.props.navigation.navigate("Person",{person:person})

. This defaults to the scene Info

correctly with the correct parameters. However, when I click on the tab PersonPurchases

, the parameter Person

is removed from the nav state.

const MyApp = StackNavigator({
    Home: {screen:TabNavigator({
        PeopleList: { screen: PeopleListScene },
        Calendar: { screen: CalendarScene },
        TasksList: { screen: TasksScene },
    Person: {screen:TabNavigator({
        PersonInfo: { screen: PersonInfoScene },
        PersonPurchases: { screen: PersonPurchasesScene }
    },{tabBarOptions:{ tabBarPosition:"bottom", backBehavior:"none"})}


Any idea how to prevent this?


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