How to resolve this AWMS lambda error - An error occured: Received an error response from Lambda: Unhandled?
I'm new to AWS. I am creating a chatbot using aws lex and aws lambda C #. I am using c # aws lmsda program
namespace AWSLambda4
public class Function
/// <summary>
/// A simple function that takes a string and does a ToUpper
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <param name="context"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string FunctionHandler(string input, ILambdaContext context)
return input?.ToUpper();
catch (Exception e)
return "sorry i could not process your request due to " + e.Message;
I created a slot in aws lex to display the first input parameter . But I always get this error An error occured: Received response from Lambda: Unhandled
On the chrome network tab, I could see Error 424 Failed Dependency which is authentication related.
Help troubleshoot AWS lambda C # bug which is being used by aws lex. I came across a cloud screen but I'm not sure about this.
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Here's what worked for me:
Lex sends a request to LexEvent
Class Type and waits for a response to LexResponse
Class Type. So I changed my parameter from string
to LexEvent
and returned the type from string
to LexResponse
public LexResponse FunctionHandler(LexEvent lexEvent, ILambdaContext context)
//Your logic goes here.
IIntentProcessor process;
switch (lexEvent.CurrentIntent.Name)
case "BookHotel":
process = new BookHotelIntentProcessor();
case "BookCar":
process = new BookCarIntentProcessor();
case "Greetings":
process = new GreetingIntentProcessor();
case "Help":
process = new HelpIntentProcessor();
throw new Exception($"Intent with name {lexEvent.CurrentIntent.Name} not supported");
return process.Process(lexEvent, context);// This is my custom logic to return LexResponse
But I'm not sure about the root cause of the problem.
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The connection between Lex and Lambda is not direct like regular functions. Amazon Lex expects Lambda to output in a specific JSON format, and data such as slot data etc. is also sent to Lambda in a similar JSON. You can find blueprints for them here: Format for inputting events and responding to a lambda function . Make sure your C # code also returns JSON in the same way so Lex can understand and do further processing.
Hope it helps!
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