Select a column value

I have a table of items identified by their unique ID, as well as some properties.

To make the table readable, the property is always stored in the "prop_value" column, and its type is stored in the "prop_type" column

To keep it simple, I only used three properties, there are actually 12 of them.

+ ID + prop_type   +  prop_value +
+ 1  +    prop1    +   foo       +
+ 1  +    prop3    +   toto      +
+ 3  +    prop2    +  lorem      +


The goal is to get all the properties of an element in a sigle string, the result is like:

+ ID +     prop1   +    prop2    +      prop3  +
+ 1  +    foo      +   NULL      +    toto     +
+ 2  +    NULL     +   lorem     +    NULL     +


In the beginning I used a very ugly solution:

select prop1 from myTable where id = 1
select prop2 from myTable where id = 1


Now that I scale it down, it happens forever and I would like to do it in one request.

I've tried something like:

select a.prop_value, b.prop_value, c.prop_value from myTable a FULL JOIN myTable b FULL JOIN myTable c ...


But it seems to me that I am entering something more complex than it should be.

Is there a compact solution to achieve this? Thank you for your help.


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2 answers



FROM   your_table
PIVOT  ( MAX( prop_value ) FOR prop_type IN (
  'prop1' AS prop1,
  'prop2' AS prop2,
  'prop3' AS prop3
) )




You can use some conditional logic like statement CASE

as well as aggregate function to get the result:

select Id,
  max(case when prop_type = 'prop1' then prop_value end) as Prop1,
  max(case when prop_type = 'prop2' then prop_value end) as Prop2,
  max(case when prop_type = 'prop3' then prop_value end) as Prop3
from myTable
group by Id;


This type of query rotates row values ​​into columns.



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