Gitlab runner kills gulp process
I have installed gitlab ci runner to manage our CI tasks. Some changes that I cannot easily split caused our pipelines to fail with an error
bash: line 84: 9678 Killed gulp
ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1
.gitlab-ci.yml launches a python program that when gulp. Then an error occurs. Can anyone please let me know what this might be related to? I installed a new one (latest version: 1.11.2 from gitlab runner - using the shell runner).
stage: build
- multilang
- multilang_tub_base_only
# install npm and all required packages
- "git clone ~/.nvm && cd ~/.nvm && git checkout `git describe --abbrev=0 --tags`"
- ". ~/.nvm/"
- "nvm install 6"
- "nvm use 6"
- "nvm alias default 6"
- "npm install"
- "git config --global url.'https://'.insteadOf git://"
- "npm install -g gulp bower"
- "git submodule update --remote --force"
- "cd $CI_PROJECT_DIR/src"
- "python3 VEUNDMINT_TUB"
- "gulp"
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