Python Get unique values ​​from a dictionary

I want to get unique values ​​from my dictionary.


{320: [167], 316: [0], 319: [167], 401: [167], 319: [168], 380: [167], 265: [166]}


Desired output:



My code:

unique_values = sorted(set(pff_dict.itervalues()))


But I am getting this error: TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'


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3 answers

It's not clear why you are mapping lists of individual items as values, but you can use a list comprehension to retrieve items.

foobar = {320: [167], 316: [0], 319: [167], 401: [167], 319: [168], 380: [167], 265: [166]}
print list(set([x[0] for x in foobar.values()]))


If you start with direct mapping to values, the code can be much simpler.

foobar = {320: 167, 316: 0, 319: 167, 401: 167, 319: 168, 380: 167, 265: 166}
print list(set(foobar.values()))




Lists don't qualify as a content candidate because they don't shake.

You can combine items into one container using itertoos.chain.from_iterable

before calling set


from itertools import chain

unique_values = sorted(set(chain.from_iterable(pff_dict.itervalues())))


Note that usage itertools

does not break your choice dict.itervalues

over dict.values

as unfolding / chaining is lazy.




expect no items to be listed, so you need to create a list of items using list comprehension

In [34]: sorted(set([i[0] for i in d.values()]))
Out[34]: [0, 166, 167, 168]




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