How can I "decode" the value of `รง` in C #

I have a line with diacritical text. The string is encoded in code behind before ç

, and then rendered as ç

. I need a string to render, but it is not clear to me how to do this from C # on the back.

I tried .ToString()

and HttpUtility.HtmlDecode

, but the webpage still displays ç

รง instead, which is what it should display.

How can I "decode" a value ç

in C #?

The code is below. Field CountryName


var countryList = (from x in listDataRow
                   join y in genericNameValueMetadataItemList on x.Field<string>("CountryISO") equals y.Value.Text into countryGroup
                   from item in countryGroup.DefaultIfEmpty(defaultGenericNameValueMetadataItem)
                   select new Country
                       CountryISO = x.Field<string>("CountryISO"),
                       CountryName = (!item.Title.Text.IsNullOrEmpty()) ? item.Title.Text : HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(x.Field<string>("CountryName"))

                   }).OrderBy(x => x.CountryName).ToList();


The following code works fine in a console app for me. Could the problem come from LINQ syntax?




The problem was that I needed to wrap the code item.Title.Text

with the HtmlDecode function as well as the code x.Field<string>("CountryName"))



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1 answer

The problem was that I needed to wrap the code item.Title.Text

with the HtmlDecode function as well as the code x.Field<string>("CountryName"))




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