Does Elixir have a language specification?

Does Elixir have a language document? If so, where is it?

The Elixir website has library documentation and I found some documentation on guards and operators , but I didn't find a language specification that, for example, documents the syntax or provides a list of Elixir keywords (Elixir language keywords, not keyword lists ) ...


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2 answers

There is no official specification. Here are some things to look out for that describe the language and may be useful:

  • Syntax Reference - Available in core documents only.
  • Kernel.SpecialForms is something that is provided "by language" and cannot be changed - more or less similar to keywords in other languages. Everything else is macros / functions implemented in Elixir.
  • Kernel - This module is imported by default and can be considered a "base" language - everything from here can be modified locally by import.


The syntax reference is the best place to get the spec.

I'm actually looking for an atom, but the spec is missing a mention of this:

This is also an atom:





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