Does Elixir have a language specification?
Does Elixir have a language document? If so, where is it?
The Elixir website has library documentation and I found some documentation on guards and operators , but I didn't find a language specification that, for example, documents the syntax or provides a list of Elixir keywords (Elixir language keywords, not keyword lists ) ...
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2 answers
There is no official specification. Here are some things to look out for that describe the language and may be useful:
- Syntax Reference - Available in core documents only.
- Kernel.SpecialForms is something that is provided "by language" and cannot be changed - more or less similar to keywords in other languages. Everything else is macros / functions implemented in Elixir.
- Kernel - This module is imported by default and can be considered a "base" language - everything from here can be modified locally by import.
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