C # localdb SHRINKDATABASE command from C # code

I am trying to compress LocalDb using Visual Studio 2017 Community. I have a Win7 Windows client application with a small database (~ 10MB data) which results in a database size of 150MB due to the allocation of free space in LocalDb.

I found this answer ( Performing shrinking a SQL Server database using linq-to-sql command ) which suggests using the following code:

     new SqlParameter("@file", DatabaseTools.Instance.DatabasePathName)



returns the file system location of my database from an instance of the Singleton DatabaseTools class.

The code is executing, but I am getting this exception:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: "Unable to execute shrinkdatabase operation within a user transaction. End the transaction and reissue the statement. '

I have tried COMMIT

before but with no success at all. Any idea on how to compact the database efficiently from C # code? Thank!


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1 answer

As the docs say for ExecuteSqlCommand

: "If no existing local or external transaction exists, a new transaction will be used to execute the command."

This is what is causing your problem as you cannot call DBCC SHRINKDATABASE

in a transaction. Which is not surprising given what he does.

Use an overload that allows you to pass a TransactionalBehavior and specify TransactionalBehavior.DoNotEnsureTransaction


     new SqlParameter("@file", DatabaseTools.Instance.DatabasePathName)




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