Jenkins' service is always waiting for a mini cube

I installed minikube

to local.

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I installed Jenkins using the slam:

$ helm install stable/jenkins


The service then always expects:

$ kubectl get services --namespace=default -w wandering-buffoon-jenkins
NAME                        CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                          AGE
wandering-buffoon-jenkins   <pending>     8080:31326/TCP,50000:31090/TCP   26m


Why? Therefore, you cannot use external-ip to access it.


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1 answer

I'm assuming you haven't updated the options to use NodePort

instead of the default one LoadBalancer

. The minikube cluster does not support the type LoadBalancer

, so Kubernetes loops to create a load balancer to get the external IP address.

Use rudders to see parameters for stable / jenkins diagram:

$ helm inspect values stable/jenkins
# Default values for jenkins.
# For minikube, set this to NodePort, elsewhere use LoadBalancer
# Use ClusterIP if your setup includes ingress controller
  ServiceType: LoadBalancer


You can fix this by doing something like this:

$ echo $'Master:\n  ServiceType: NodePort' > config.yaml
$ helm install -f config.yaml stable/jenkins




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