NLP - acceleration word similarity matchin
I am trying to find the maximum similarity between two words in a pandas dataframe. Here is my routine
import pandas as pd
from nltk.corpus import wordnet
import itertools
df = pd.DataFrame({'word_1':['desk', 'lamp', 'read'], 'word_2':['call','game','cook']})
def max_similarity(row):
word_1 = row['word_1']
word_2 = row['word_2']
ret_val = max([(wordnet.wup_similarity(syn_1, syn_2) or 0) for
syn_1, syn_2 in itertools.product(wordnet.synsets(word_1), wordnet.synsets(word_2))])
return ret_val
df['result'] = df.apply(lambda x: max_similarity(x), axis= 1)
It works great, but it is too slow. I am looking for a way to speed it up. wordnet
takes longer. All offers? Cython? I open up other packages for use such as spacy
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Since you said you can use spacy as an NLP library, let's look at a simple test. We will use brown news corpus to create some arbitrary word pairs by halving them.
from nltk.corpus import brown
brown_corpus = list(brown.words(categories='news'))
brown_df = pd.DataFrame({
'word_2': brown_corpus[len(brown_corpus)//2:]
The cosine similarity of two tokens / documents can be calculated using the method Doc.similarity
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en')
def spacy_max_similarity(row):
word_1 = nlp(row['word_1'])
word_2 = nlp(row['word_2'])
return word_1.similarity(word_2)
Finally, apply both methods to the dataframe:
nltk_similarity = %timeit -o brown_df.apply(nltk_max_similarity, axis=1)
1 loop, best of 3: 59 s per loop
spacy_similarity = %timeit -o brown_df.apply(spacy_max_similarity, axis=1)
1 loop, best of 3: 8.88 s per loop
Note that NLTK and spacy use different methods when it comes to measuring similarity. spacy uses word vectors that have been preprocessed with word2vec. From the docs :
Using vectors of words and semantic similarities
The English model by default sets vectors for a million vocabulary entries using 300-dimensional vectors learning from a general corpus traversal using the GloVe algorithm . GloVe's common traversal vectors have become the de facto standard for practical NLP.
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One way to do it faster is to preserve the similarities between words. Then, in case of repetition, avoid running the search function in a loop.
import pandas as pd
from nltk.corpus import wordnet
import itertools
df = pd.DataFrame({'word_1':['desk', 'lamp', 'read'], 'word_2':['call','game','cook']})
word_similarities = dict()
def max_similarity(row):
word_1 = row['word_1']
word_2 = row['word_2']
key = tuple(sorted([word_1, word_2])) # symmetric measure :)
if key not in word_similarities:
word_similarities[key] = max([
(wordnet.wup_similarity(syn_1, syn_2) or 0)
for syn_1, syn_2 in itertools.product(wordnet.synsets(word_1), wordnet.synsets(word_2))
return word_similarities[key]
df['result'] = df.apply(lambda x: max_similarity(x), axis= 1)
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