Dart2js numeric types: determining if a value is int or double

I'm trying to determine if a parameter dynamic

for a function is valid int

or double

, and I find surprising behavior (at least for me).

Can anyone explain this output (generated on dartpad)?

foo(value) {
  print("$value is int: ${value is int}");
  print("$value is double: ${value is double}");
  print("$value runtimetype: ${value.runtimeType}");

void main() {
  int x = 10;
  double y = 3.1459;
  double z = 2.0;



1 is int: true
1 is double: true
1 runtimetype: int
2 is int: true
2 is double: true
2 runtimetype: int
10 is int: true
10 is double: true
10 runtimetype: int
3.1459 is int: false
3.1459 is double: true
3.1459 runtimetype: double
2 is int: true
2 is double: true
2 runtimetype: int



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1 answer

There is no difference in the browser between int

and double

. JavaScript does not make this distinction, and introducing a special type for this purpose would have a dramatic performance impact, so this was not done.

So for web apps it's usually best to stick with num


You can check if a value is an integer using for example:

var val = 1.0;
print(val is int);


prints true

It only indicates what part of the fraction is or is not 0


The browser doesn't have any type information bound to the value, so is int

it is double

looks like they just check if there is a fractional component for the number and decide based on that.



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