Can't get OpenCover to work fake

EDITED to show the ignore return as Fedor pointed out and the error you received

I have a file .fsx

with multiple targets that work as expected, but I cannot get the target to OpenCover

work. This is what I have for the target code:

Target "Coverage" (fun _ ->
    (fun p -> { p with ExePath   = "./packages/OpenCover.4.6.519/tools/OpenCover.Console.exe"
                   TestRunnerExePath = "./packages/Machine.Specifications.Runner.Console.0.10.0-Unstable0005/tools/mspec-clr4.exe"
                   Output = reportDir + "MspecOutput.xml"
                   Register = "-register:user"
    testDir @@ "FakeTest2UnitTesting.dll" + "--xml " + reportDir + "MspecOutput.xml"  |> ignore


But now I am getting the following build error:

build.fsx (45.3): Error FS0039: The value or constructor "OpenCover" is not defined. Perhaps you need one of the following: OpenCoverHelper NCover

I don't know what I am doing wrong. Can anyone show me how to use the OpenCoverHelper from the FAKE API ? Thanks to


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1 answer

After playing a lot around playing Google, I finally came up with a solution. The main problem was that I didn't open OpenCoverHelper

. I made the assumption that it was included in FAKE as well as Api and there was no documentation to say anything else. So, here's the code I'm using:

// include Fake lib
#r @"packages/FAKE.4.61.2/tools/FakeLib.dll"
open Fake
open Fake.OpenCoverHelper

Target "Coverage" (fun _ ->
  OpenCover (fun p -> { p with 
                          ExePath = "./packages/OpenCover.4.6.519/tools/OpenCover.Console.exe"
                          TestRunnerExePath = "./packages/Machine.Specifications.Runner.Console.0.10.0-Unstable0005/tools/mspec-clr4.exe"
                          Output = "./report/MspecOutput.xml"
                          Register = RegisterUser
   "./test/FakeTest2UnitTesting.dll + --xml ./report/MspecOutput.xml" 



Hope this helps someone in the future.



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