What is the "translated translation unit" mentioned in [lex.phases] /1.8?

My first thought was that this term does not need to be formally defined in the standard, since it can only be inferred using English, that is, the translated translation unit is just an object file generated by the compiler from its correspondent translation unit. But I'm not sure if this is the correct interpretation given the text in [lex.phases] /1.8 as shown below:

[lex.phases] /1.8 :

Conversion units and copy units are combined as follows: [Note: some or all of them may be provided from the library. - end of note] Each translated translation unit is checked to create a list of required copies. [Note: this may include which have been explicitly requested (14.7.2). - end note] The definitions of the required templates are located. it is determined whether the source of translation units containing these definitions should be available. [Note: An implementation MAY encode enough information into the translated translation unit to ensure that the source is not required here. - end note] All required instances completed to create instance units. [Note: they are liketranslated units of translation , but do not contain links to uninstalled templates and template definitions. -end note] the program is ill-formed if any instance is not running.


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