Indenting a macro in emacs

Is there something like it (declare (indent defun))

for guile, so indenting custom macros works like define


For example, if I write the following macro,

(define-syntax my-when
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((my-when condition exp ...)
     (if condition
         (begin exp ...)))))


Then I get padding that looks like

(my-when #t
         (write "hi"))


But prefers the following

(my-when #t
  (write "hi"))


In elisp, I could get the desired indentation via

(defmacro my-when (condition &rest body)
  (declare (indent defun))
  `(if ,condition

(my-when t
  (message "hi"))


Version / Mode Notes: emacs 26, scheme-mode

w / geiser

, geiser-impl--implementation



source to share

1 answer

Add an indent mark for the character:

(put 'my-when 'scheme-indent-function 1)


It's more or less what (declare (indent 1))

makes it in defmacro



uses lisp-indent-line

that looks for a property lisp-indent-function

in a symbol. The built-in scheme-mode

uses lisp-indent-function

, so you might think it will work the same as in lisp-mode

. However, the property name must match the mode name. See for property values.



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