How to connect container-docker-node nodeJS to mongoDB

I'm having trouble connecting a nodeJS app that works like a docker container in mongoDB. Let me explain what I have done so far:

$ docker ps

CONTAINER ID    IMAGE        COMMAND                  CREATED        STATUS        PORTS        NAMES
3a3732cc1d90    mongo:3.4    "docker-entrypoint..."   3 weeks ago    Up 3 weeks    27017/tcp    mongo_live


As you can see there is already a docker-mango container running.

Now I run the nodeJS app host container (which is an assembly from meteorJS):

$ docker run -it 0b422defbd59 /bin/bash


In this docker container, I want to run my application by executing:

$ node main.js


Now I am getting the error

Error: MONGO_URL must be set in environment


I already tried to install MONGO_URL by setting:

ENV MONGO_URL mongodb://mongo_live:27017/


But this doesn't work:

MongoError: failed to connect to server [mongo_live:27017] on first connect


So my question is how to connect to the database, which I understand is "outside" the running container. Alternatively, how do I set up a new DB in this container?


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3 answers

There are several ways to do this.

  • run your app on the same network as your mongodb:

    docker run --net container:mongo_live your_app_docker_image
    # then you can use mongodb in your localhost
    $ ENV MONGO_URL mongodb://localhost:27017/

  • You can also link two containers:

    docker run --link mongo_live:mongo_live you_app_image ..
    # Now mongodb is accessible via mongo_live

  • use ip address of mongodb container:

    docker inspect -f '{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' mongo_live
    # you will get you container ip here
    $ docker run -it 0b422defbd59 /bin/bash
    # ENV MONGO_URL mongodb://[ip from previous command]:27017/

  • You can bind your mongodb port to your host and use the hostname of the host in your application

  • You can use docker network

    and run both applications on the same network

  • You can pass --add-host mongo_live:<ip of mongo container>

    to run docker for your app and then use mongo_live

    mongodb for url

  • You can also use docker comp to make your life easier;)




When containers are launched, each container runs on an independent network. Since one container cannot connect to another point to point.

There are three ways to connect containers

  • A little fuss with low-level docker network magic
  • Connect the container via localhost. Each container should expose ports to localhost (like your mongo_live). But you need to add to host ile on localhost mongo_live

    ( This is the easiest way )
  • Use docker-compose . It is a handy tool for multi-container collaboration. (The right way )

Add mongodb to application container is not docker.



Please use below snippet of docker-compose.yml file, replace comments with your actions. Should solve your problem.

version: '2'
        build: <image for mongoDB>
          - "27017:27017"  # whatever port u r using
          #you can specify mondo db username and stuff here
          - #load default config for mondodb from here
          - "db-data-store:/data/db" # path depends on which image you use
          - network
        build: #image for node js
          - # mention port for nodejs
          - #mount project code on container
          - network
          - db

    driver: bridge


Please use the links below for links:
1) NodeJs Docker
2) MongoDb docker
3) docker compilation tutorial

Best of luck



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