Getting maximum in each rolling window of a 2D numpy array

I have a numpy 2D array and I want to get the maximum value contained in each 2d rolling window that starts from left to right, top to bottom, rolling one row or column each time. The most naive method is to iterate through all the rolling windows and get the maximum value of all the values โ€‹โ€‹enclosed in this rolling window. I have written this method below:

import numpy as np
a = np.arange(shape[1]*shape[0]).reshape(shape[1],shape[0])

for i in range(shape[1]-window_size[1]+1):
    for j in range(shape[0]-window_size[0]+1):


But this is terribly inefficient as only 2 rows (or 2 columns) are swapped between each sliding shift, but my code does not account for any correlations between two consecutive rolling windows. An improvement I could think of is this for every sliding window (assuming you are rolling horizontally). I am calculating the maximum of the leftmost column and the maximum of the remaining columns and taking the maximum of 2 values โ€‹โ€‹as the current maximum window. And for the next rolling window, the maximum will be the maximum added column and the previous remaining columns ... But I still don't think this is optimized ...

I would really appreciate if someone can point me in the right direction, I feel like this should be a well researched problem, but I couldn't find a solution anywhere ... Thanks in advance!


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1 answer

Approach # 1 Usage Scipy 2D max filter


from scipy.ndimage.filters import maximum_filter as maxf2D

# Store shapes of inputs
N,M = window_size
P,Q = a.shape

# Use 2D max filter and slice out elements not affected by boundary conditions
maxs = maxf2D(a, size=(M,N))
max_Map_Out = maxs[M//2:(M//2)+P-M+1, N//2:(N//2)+Q-N+1]


Approach # 2 Usage Scikit 2D sliding window views


from skimage.util.shape import view_as_windows

N,M = window_size
max_Map_Out = view_as_windows(a, (M,N)).max(axis=(-2,-1))


A note on window sizing and its use: The original approach has window sizes flipped aligned, that is, the first shape parameter window_size

slides along the second axis, and the second shape parameter determines how the window slides along the first axis. This may not be the case for other problems that perform sliding maximum filtering, where we usually use the first shape parameter for the first axis of the array 2D

and similarly for the second shape parameter. So to solve these problems, just use: M,N = window_size

and use the rest of the codes as they are.

Runtime test

Approaches -

def org_app(a, window_size):
    shape = a.shape[1], a.shape[0]
    for i in range(shape[1]-window_size[1]+1):
        for j in range(shape[0]-window_size[0]+1):
    return max_Map

def maxf2D_app(a, window_size):
    N,M = window_size
    P,Q = a.shape
    maxs = maxf2D(a, size=(M,N))
    return maxs[M//2:(M//2)+P-M+1, N//2:(N//2)+Q-N+1]

def view_window_app(a, window_size):
    N,M = window_size
    return view_as_windows(a, (M,N)).max(axis=(-2,-1))


Timing and verification -

In [573]: # Setup inputs
     ...: shape=(1050,300)
     ...: window_size=(120,60)
     ...: a = np.arange(shape[1]*shape[0]).reshape(shape[1],shape[0])

In [574]: np.allclose(org_app(a, window_size), maxf2D_app(a, window_size))
Out[574]: True

In [575]: np.allclose(org_app(a, window_size), view_window_app(a, window_size))
Out[575]: True

In [576]: %timeit org_app(a, window_size)
1 loops, best of 3: 2.11 s per loop

In [577]: %timeit view_window_app(a, window_size)
1 loops, best of 3: 1.14 s per loop

In [578]: %timeit maxf2D_app(a, window_size)
100 loops, best of 3: 3.09 ms per loop

In [579]: 2110/3.09  # Speedup using Scipy 2D max filter over original approach
Out[579]: 682.8478964401295




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