VS Code AMD Modular System

I am working on an e-application using TypeScript and I am facing some problems trying to figure out which module loading system to use. I've been digging around VS code (as many consider it a poster child for Electron apps done right) to better understand conventions / best ways to do certain things, and I noticed that they use AMD modules (in the tsconfig.json file under src, all parameters "module": "amd"

, "moduleResolution": "classic"

and "baseUrl": "."

set) and they seem to use calls like requirejs for certain things, like loading a URL into a BrowserWindow, where they use require.toUrl('vs/workbench/electron-browser/bootstrap/index.html');

to load the full URL.

From my (admittedly limited) understanding, this solves the problem I'm having where I compile my TypeScript (located in a directory src

) into an output directory (called out

) and then provide. js to run Electron, which means my paths for things like mainWindow.loadUrl(__dirname + '/index.html')

are suddenly pointing to out/index.html

instead of intended src/index.html

. However, when I go through the VS code project for any requirejs module reference, I cannot find anything other than the file require.d.ts

containing this code

declare var define: {
    (moduleName: string, dependencies: string[], callback: (...args: any[]) => any): any;
    (moduleName: string, dependencies: string[], definition: any): any;
    (moduleName: string, callback: (...args: any[]) => any): any;
    (moduleName: string, definition: any): any;
    (dependencies: string[], callback: (...args: any[]) => any): any;
    (dependencies: string[], definition: any): any;

declare var require: {
    toUrl(path: string): string;
    (moduleName: string): any;
    (dependencies: string[], callback: (...args: any[]) => any, errorback?: (err: any) => void): any;
    config(data: any): any;
    onError: Function;
    __$__nodeRequire<T>(moduleName: string): T;


I created a samples file containing this in my project, but when I run my rewritten JavaScript, I get an error define is not defined

. My question is, how exactly is VS Code able to use AMD modules with a standard Node module require

, seemingly not using something like requirejs, and can implement a similar pattern to solve my path issues when running passed JavaScript code from an output directory? Thank!


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