Ionic unclean (in promise): invalid reference

I have a possible problem with this.nav.push

Ionic. I made a login / registration page, but when I login I get this error message. I need to add code from login.ts and for example home.ts (which is the main page)?

Runtime Error Unprepared (in Promise): Invalid Link: Home Page

Error: impurity (in a promise): invalid link: Home at d ( http: // localhost: 8100 / build / polyfills.js: 3: 3991 ) at l ( http: // localhost: 8100 / build / polyfills.js : 3: 3244 ) to Object.reject ( http: // localhost: 8100 / build / polyfills.js: 3: 2600 ) to NavControllerBase._fireError ( http: // localhost: 8100 / build / main.js: 45465: 16 ) to NavControllerBase._failed ( http: // localhost: 8100 / build / main.js: 45453: 14 ) to http: // localhost: 8100 / build / main.js: 45508: 59     at t.invoke ( http: / /localhost:8100/build/polyfills.js:3:11562 ) to Object.onInvoke ( http: // localhost: 8100 / build / main.js: 4622: 37 ) at t.invoke (http: // localhost: 8100 / build / polyfills.js: 3: 11502 ) to ( http: // localhost: 8100 / build / polyfills.js: 3: 6468 ) to http: // localhost: 8100 / build / polyfills.js: 3: 3767     to t.invokeTask ( http: // localhost: 8100 / build / polyfills.js: 3: 12256 ) to Object.onInvokeTask ( http: // localhost: 8100 / build / main.js : 4613: 37 ) to t.invokeTask ( http: // localhost: 8100 / build / polyfills.js: 3: 12177 ) to n.runTask ( http: // localhost: 8100 / build / polyfills.js: 3: 7153 )

@edit: The problem occurs when I want to login to my application. This is the login code responder.


public login() {
    this.auth.login(this.registerCredentials).subscribe(allowed => {
      if (allowed) {        
      } else {
        this.showError("Access Denied");
      error => {


auth-service.ts (here is a public function that does my belt and where I have a pass and email that I need to login)

  public login(credentials) {
    if ( === null || credentials.password === null) {
      return Observable.throw("Please insert credentials");
    } else {
      return Observable.create(observer => {
        // At this point make a request to your backend to make a real check!
        let access = (credentials.password === "pass" && === "email");
        this.currentUser = new User('Simon', '');;


I don't know why this code is wrong. My home page in my application is home.ts and the class is HomePage


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3 answers

what you need to do is add @IonicPage () before "@Component" and import "IonicPage" like this:  import {NavController, IonicPage} from 'ionic-angular';

then you need to create a module for ie home page in home directory create home.module.ts with following content

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { IonicPageModule } from 'ionic-angular';
import { HomePage } from './home';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  exports: [
export class HomePageModule {}


and reload the project



The only problem in your code is when you write this.nav.push('HomePage');

remove the quotes '' when calling any page and write like this.


without quotes.

Above answer is for ionic2, there is lazy loading in ionic3 where you call this this.nav.push('HomePage');



I copied the login. The error is similar.

Breakpoints for HomePage: (1) check if home.module.ts (2) check @IonicPage () before "@Component" in home.ts (2) remove HomePage from / entryComponents declaration in app.module.ts when addressing an open error



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