TypeError: Cannot read property userAgent of undefined

I am trying to integrate a responsive slider into my ReactJS app.

Its working as expected when I integrate it into a new demo app, but if I integrate it into my app it throws an error. I am using rails as backend.

When I try to import the slider into a component like

 var Slider = require('react-slick'); 


it shows me the error.

error logs (in rails)

| ExecJS::ProgramError - TypeError: Cannot read property 'userAgent' of undefined:|   execjs (2.7.0) 
lib/execjs/ruby_racer_runtime.rb:98:in `wrap_error'|   execjs (2.7.0) 
lib/execjs/ruby_racer_runtime.rb:15:in `rescue in block in initialize'|   execjs (2.7.0) 
lib/execjs/ruby_racer_runtime.rb:12:in `block in initialize' |   execjs (2.7.0) 
lib/execjs/ruby_racer_runtime.rb:75:in `block in lock'|   execjs (2.7.0) 
lib/execjs/ruby_racer_runtime.rb:73:in `lock'|   execjs (2.7.0) 
lib/execjs/ruby_racer_runtime.rb:9:in `initialize'|   execjs (2.7.0) 



Some where else in my code i wrote below code and it works fine

'use strict';

var React = require('react');
import logo from 'img/spark-logo.jpg'
var Carousel = require('nuka-carousel');
//import { NukaDecorate } from 'nuka-carousel-autoscroll';

class App1 extends React.Component{

  // mixins: [Carousel.ControllerMixin],
  render() {
    return (
        <img src={logo} alt="Smiley face" />
        <img src="http://placehold.it/1000x400/ffffff/c0392b/&text=slide2"/>
        <img src="http://placehold.it/1000x400/ffffff/c0392b/&text=slide3"/>   

module.exports = App1; 



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1 answer

The problem is that you are apparently trying to render your side of the application server (or at least you need it in a non-browser context).

One of the dependencies is trying to access a property on a userAgent

global object navigator

that is only defined in browsers.

To avoid this problem, you can try to isolate the plugin by only requiring it in the browser with a validation window

or ruby โ€‹โ€‹equivalent.

You can also just mock the variable for its default value, so it doesn't crash. Just define it as:

global.navigator = {
  userAgent: 'node',




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