Php extract all hashtags and twitter names from a block of text

I have a block of text in php and I want to be able to extract all hashtags and twitter names from it and print them as one new line.

For example:

$longstring = "blah blah blah #hashtag blah blah @twittername blah blah blah #hashtag2 blah blah";


And I want to create one new line:

$extracted = "#hashtag @twittername #hashtag2";


Any idea how I can do this easily?

I'm not sure if the answer is a regular expression? Can it do this together and find all multiple occurrences of both types?


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3 answers



$longstring = "blah blah blah #hashtag blah blah @twittername blah blah blah #hashtag2 blah blah";
preg_match_all("/(?:^|\s)[#@][^ @#]+\b/", $longstring, $m);
$extracted = implode("", $m[0]);




#hashtag @twittername #hashtag2




Hope this helps you.

Demo Regex

Regex: #[^\s]+|(?<=\s|^)@[^\s@#]+

1.this #[^\s]+

will match #

and then match everything before space

(not including the space)

2. |


3. (?<=\s|^)@[^\s@#]+

coincidence @

, then all

apart space

, @

and #

with a positive outlook for space

orstart of string

Here we use preg_match_all

to collect matches and implode

to attach to it as a string.

Try this piece of code here

ini_set('display_errors', 1);
$string = "blah blah blah #hashtag blah blah @twittername blah blah blah #hashtag2 blah blah";
preg_match_all("/#[^\s]+|(?<=\s|^)@[^\s@#]+/", $string, $matches);
print_r(implode(" ",$matches[0]));


Output: #hashtag @twittername #hashtag2



The following code will work for you: Here, we first split the sentence into spaces.

Then we check that the word starts with "@" or "#".

If so, add it to a new line.

function startsWith($haystack, $needle)
    return strpos($haystack, $needle) === 0;
$longstring = "blah blah blah #hashtag blah blah @twittername blah blah blah #hashtag2 blah blah";
$parts = explode(" ",$longstring);
$newString = "";
foreach($parts as $part)
    if(startsWith($part, "#") || startsWith($part, "@"))
        $newString.= $part." ";

echo $newString;




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